Monthly Archives: December 2014

Happy New Year! Status Update


Greetings my fellow bloggers and welcome back to my esteemed blog.  I know that tumbleweeds and crickets have been occurring as of late, and I do apologize for that, but here is the story.

Shortly before the holidays, due to budget constraints, I was laid off from my company.  The fact that I loved my job and the fact that it was right before the holidays really took a toll on my pride and holiday spirit.  I managed to spend Christmas with my family, hiding my sadness by putting on a happy persona that should have been academy award worthy.  In a little over 24 hours from now, it will be 2015.  I have decided to take another two weeks off and clear my head before I begin the job search.  I just wanted to let you know that I even though I may be down, I am far from out.  I will be back January 18th with some glorified gaming goodness.  Until then friends, have a safe and Happy New Year!  🙂